With some regret we headed South to the lovely little port of Ouzouere sur Treze (OZT). It is interesting as we are starting to catch up with all the other Roanne boats heading south. We were delighted to find Nico and ianne already there in the terrific spacious new Barge Elaine. After a couple of days we were joined by Doug and Sutsan, and passed Pascal and Danielle on the way through.
We had been planning to go to the chateau at La Bussiere for some time, but had never quite made it. As it is very close to OZT, we headed off after lunch. It is a lovely, very livable chateau (It was lived in until recently, and the owner still lives on site). It has its own lake, and the owner was fishing mad - hence many of the displays are fishing related. It has lovely gardens, including one where you can pick your own fruit. We got some lovely raspberries, which went down a treat with ice cream that night - Yum!
Just the right size with a moat and a fishing lake |
The gardens here were terrific...flowers, fruit and vegetables |
Onions, carrots and roses...perfect mix! |
They scratch tiny words into the baby pumpkins and wait for them to grow. |
The kitchens with the cool room and the water room at the rear. |
This is a multi function oven....but not as we know it! |
For reasons best known to the Tourist Office, a lot of paper mache 'art' was used to decorate the rooms,
making a stark contrast to the other displays.
We could have moved into this room right away! |
Just how many did you eat? |
Back to OZT to find that some Aussies had arrived on a bumper boat, so together with Doug and Sutsan we had drinks, and more drinks on a picnic table under the trees - a very boozy night - so the next few days were AFD's! (alcohol free days!). The Port was very busy but fortunately there was room for Alouette when Debbie and Randy arrived.
We left OZT bright and early a few days later and had a lovely run through Briare and across the famous Pont, saw some huge crane at the commercial Port being used to put a huge Peniche back? into the canal. We moored for the night at Beaulieu [hello to Doug and Sutsan again]. In the morning we set out for Lere...however when we arrived the power did not seem to work. So we turned around in the basin and went back about 1km to Sury. We had a wonderful dinner at at Chez Fred - well worth a visit.
We were joined in Sury by Nico and Ianne ...one of the nicest things about the canals is the constant remeeting with friends..
I went down and checked out the power at Lere which now seemed to be working. The only problem was how to get there as we were facing the wrong way. Nico and I got a piece of rope and stretched it across the canal and found it was about 1M too narrow for us to turnaround. We drove up and had a look for possible turning spots - the nearest was about 4km and 2 locks away. So I decided to reverse back for about 1km.
For the boaties reading this you will know that barges do not reverse in a straight line. Whilst I have reversed short distances I thought this would be a great opportunity to learn more about reversing. So we set off about 8.30 before boats started coming up the canal. An hour later we got to Lere. What did I learn? Not a lot! The rudder seems to have very little effect when the engine is running. You can put it into neutral and then the rudder works, so you can straighten up a bit. The biggest effect seem to be the shape of the bottom of the canal. Sometimes it would swing to the left, other times to the right. If you get in the middle if the canal with the rudder over to counter prop walk at times you go back straight.
(Laurels comment: several times during this reversal we found ourselves not moving very far along...so much so that a lovely LOL who had been watching The Great Reversal popped her head out of her window and mimed that she would be happy to tow us back.....lol.]
So after my morning exercise we plugged in at Lere with no problems. Our previous port partners at Lere, Andrew 2 and Jenny on Jef stopped for the night and it was lovely to catch up with them.
Captain Teddy and crew
Our friends Mark, Mary and Captain Teddy, had had major engine problems on their barge and were stuck near Nemours. They weren't sure if they would be able to get back to Roanne for the winter. Fortunately a mechanic was able to solve the problem so they were hot footing it back.
We caught up with them at the lock after Lere for a chat with Captain Teddy and his crew.
First Mate Mary with Captain Teddie..how smart does the barge look! |
Teddie is such a charmer we thiought a second look worth while |
Chief Purser Mark also looking good! |
Time for Teddie cuddles |
Treat in mouth! |
Mary managing the ropes with aplomb! |
Funny what you can find at a lock! So that's one case of the Sancerre and one of the Poully Fume? |
Final farewell to a great crew. |
Lere to Digoin
After we had been in Lere for a day or so, Nico and Ianne pulled in and Debby and Randy moored at Sury [only about 800 metres away]. It was also my birthday so Randy and Debbie, Nico and Ianne joined us for drinks on board. Party hats all round...hip hip hooray!
Andrew and Nico sporting party hats |
Ianne, unlike Debbie, managed to not wear a part hat! |
The fab four ready to party! |
When the greeting message is in French it takes a minute or two to work it out. |
Nope, she doesnt understand it either. |
He doesn't care what the message is....the wine is fine! |
Birthday Boy at dinner at Chez Fred....the restaurant joined in the a chorus of "Happy Birthday" and mine host poured us a glass of hooch! |
Miranda (our daughter) was joining us at the end of the month for a few days cruising. Our original plan was to take her from Diou to Paray le Monial, however due to lack of water the Canal du centre was closed in mid September. So we changed our plans to pick her up in Digoin and take her down to Roanne. We thought it would be nice for her to see our home port.
There was a fair distance to go so we set off for a few fairly big days. We stopped at Chapelle Montlinard, and then on to a favorite port Cours Les Barres. We had taken the car to Cours Les Barres when we dropped Randy's car off in Roanne. So we stopped here for a few nights, and took the opportunity to restock the larder. Then off for a couple more longish days....stopping at Fleury, and Beaulon. We stopped here for a couple of nights before our final trek to Digoin. Fortunately the weather was lovely, and the cruising delightful.
Entering the double lock at LeGuertin...two locks are joined together to raise the barge about 30 metres onto a huge aquaduct that takes the Canal over the Allier river. |
Crossing the Aquaduct at Le Guertin |
Not a lot of 'wiggle' room on the aquaduct. The Captain needs a steady hand on the wheel. |
Captain teddie is too cute. Am so sad I will not get to meet him!