After our long sojourn back in Australia it was good to be back in Roanne and get back aboard. Foster had kindly de-winterised the boat, so it was all ready and waiting for us. All the extra work last year in giving her several extra coats of paint meant that she was looking mighty gooood!
Over the next few weeks we began the list of chores that all barge owners go through...getting final covers off, checking supplies, naturally the wine needed careful curation and restocking. Outside we returned the outdoor carpets to the decks, spruced up the flagpole and gave our Phoenix a shiny new finish. We enjoy keeping the barge in good order, especially with our flowers. This year we drove to the big garden centre in Marcingy to get our petunias, purple and white for 2016! Selected a range of fresh herbs for our champagne buckets and got our outdoor setting ready to use..
Outdoor setting ready? Check! |
Flowers and herbs ready? Check! |
Lettuces planted and gnomes in position? Check! |
Ready for drinks on the outer deck? Check! |
Phoenix spruced up? Check! |
Smart new flag on freshly varnished flagpole! Check! |
Having got the boat all set up it occurred to me that our bikes were missing. Last year our friends Mark and Mary had one of their bikes thrown into the port and they found it alongside their boat. We were talking about this over at the Bar on Thursday night, and Wynn mentioned that he had a grappling hook. So the next day we went fishing and voila - we caught two very mucky bikes still padlocked to the rack! Not sure whether they will be usable, but at least we have the rack back!
And that's what we call a good haul! Shirt off as it was very muddy! |
After many wonderful years on the canals of Europe some of our very good friends will be leaving Roanne permanently and returning to their home countries. Brian and Mary will be taking Kyrenia back to England, and Sally and Foster are returning to Canada. They will be sorely missed!
Brian and Mary are heading off first so we felt a bit of bunting was in order!
Of course lots of food and drink were consumed to wish them well on their way and Brian made a very touching speech. The adventures these folks had have been amazing, and they surely added to the 'long village' that makes barging such fun.
Social activity has got underway with our regular drinks nights at L'Authentique, Stitch and Bitch for the ladies on Wednesday. And as always these are supplemented by lots of outings - starting with JB Clair our favorite provider of Bubbly!(See reference above to depleted wine supply)
Randy has heard Guido many times before, but his charm worked well on some Port newbies. |
And of course, new vintages to be tasted, selection and purchases made.
Then of course there are visits to Emmaus and Vide Greniers to find a bargain
Mary's last vide grenier...oh the loss! |
Vide find...a superb vintage Velo Solex motor bike....priceless! |
Sunny day, popular village, and a vide grenier....all part of the charms of France.
Roanne has an excellent Les Halles (undercover market) and it features a very special and famous cheese purveyor...Mons. Mary (Festina Tarde) was able to organise a visit for us to see their 'aging tunnels' in the nearby town of Ambierle.
Here in an old railway tunnel, Mons have a specialist cheese ripening tunnel. You cannot buy these ex railway tunnels but can lease them from the government for special uses. Mons had lined the walls and ceiling, leaving unusual angles to create a flow of air. The racks are built by specialists and the cheese are stored from one month to over 3 years...with every cheese being washed and turned every day!
The cheeses are sourced locally, ripened in the tunnel and sold at Les Halles in Roanne (20%) and a number of other outlets in France. The balance they export to American and the UK (60%) and around the world where under the Mons and other brands they supply both small and large stores...including to our amazement Costco.
We all had to done protective clothing...and don't we look grand! |
Very trendy! |
These huge cheeses are washed every day! |
There are several tunnels but we could only visit the 'hard cheese' area.
For those who love 'Comte' these big beauties are here for up to 3 years. |
The visit finished with a and goats cheese, red wine with an ashed cows cheese and for the Comte? a big red wine. Delish!
In spite of all the attractions in Roane we are here for the cruising.
We are contemplating when to leave port - but the weather at the moment is terrible. Quite cold in the morning - by lunchtime it is really hot and then in the evening massive storms with lots of lightning and thunder and torrential rain. So we shall see.